Gulliver Fan Club |

For only $10/month, you can help "Gulliver" spread the word about the plight of the foals bred for the PMU industry by joining the "Gulliver Fan Club"
Learn More...
Gulliver & Friends Legacy Fund |

Consider Equine Voices as your charity of choice and help make a difference in the lives of the horses today and beyond.
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Nicholas aka "Nick": Legacy Fund |
The Nick Legacy Fund has been created in Nick's memory to help us assist other horses like Nick. Our goal is to offer "over and above" medical services to horses who require special medical assistance.
Learn More...
Shop At Amazon And Help The Horses! |
By shopping online at Amazon, 10% of your purchases will go to the horses of Equine Voices. It's simple, quick and convenient and you never have to leave your home. Find the Amazon Icon on the top right corner of the homepage, right after the Benefit Wines logo. Or use the icons above.
Shop from Gulliver's Wishlist on Amazon |
By simply shopping for the horses, you can help Equine Voices by giving the horses what they need most. Please check out
Gulliver's Wishlist to learn more. |
Mustang Raffle

If you were waiting until the last minute to get your tickets to win this Mustang, the last minute is almost here! There are less than 8-weeks remaining before the deadline. Get your tickets now and help the horses! Contact angie@equinevoices.org or 520-398-2814 to purchase your tickets.
Thank you.
Tiki, a sweet 28 year old gelding, arrived at Equine Voices on October 12th. Tiki, like so many senior horses, found himself needing a home after his owners could no longer care for him. Thousands of older horses like Tiki, after serving humans their entire lives, are abandoned in the desert or sent to auction and ultimately slaughter. Help us educate horse owners as to what can happen to these beautiful older horses if they are sent to auction, and to assist horse owners in creating a long term plan for these elderly equines. Most likely Tiki will spend the rest of his days at Equine Voices, living out his life with love and the proper care he deserves.
Won't you consider sponsoring Tiki? To sponsor Tiki contact angie@equinevoices.org or call 520-398-2814.
The Cloud Foundation Fundraiser

The High Price of Victory!
Dear Friends of our wild horses and burros,
I was in Elko, Nevada for my second meeting of the BLM’s National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board when I learned the great news. Our legal team had won a victory! The dangerous and unnecessary sterilization experiments planned for hundreds of wild mares and fillies as young as 8 months of age were cancelled by BLM. The Agency cited our lawsuit as the reason that the research was halted. Our suit, filed jointly by the Cloud Foundation and the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign, argued that it was our first amendment right to view and record the surgeries—to bear witness to their suffering.
Please consider donating to help us pay for the excellent legal work that stopped this cruelty from taking place. Unlike some organizations who are consistently supported by wealthy donors, we rely solely on donations from people who value our efforts to keep our wild horse and burros safe with their families on their rangeland homes and to protect those held in captivity.
I hope you agree that legal action is critical when all else fails.
I hope you will help us continue the fight to protect our wild horses and burros when these legal actions are necessary. Click on the donation level below, to stand with us to support this fight.
Ginger Kathrens
To Donate click here.
Fall Fundraiser

To make your reservations online click here

We could use more volunteers for our Fall Fundraiser on November 19, 2016. If you would like to volunteer, contact angie@equinevoices.org or 520-398-2815.
Thank you for all you do!
Leave a Legacy: Gulliver & Friends Legacy Fund

Consider Equine Voices as your charity of choice and help make a difference in the lives
of the horses today and beyond by designating Equine Voices in your estate planning.
Visit our website for more information and how to give.
"Gulliver's" Fan Club
For just $10.00 a month (.33 cents a day), you can support our Big Boy Gulliver, mascot of Equine Voices. Join
Gulliver's Fan Club and help make a difference in Gulliver's life! You will receive a special sticker, VIP tour, a
personal meeting with Gulliver and updates as to the happenings at the sanctuary. Can you spare just .33 cents
a day or one cup of coffee? To join this special program, Click Here and a short ways down the homepage on the
right is "Gulliver's" Fan Club Sign Up or contact us at info@equinevoices.org, call the main office at 520-398-2814
or go online and sign up today. It's easy, fun and you will make a huge difference in Gulliver's life!!
–Thank You "Gulliver"
Shop At Amazon And Help The Horses!
Shop at Amazon.com
"Gulliver" would like to invite you to shop at our partners programs and help the horses at the same time! By shopping
online at Amazon, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that 10 percent of your purchases will go to the horses of
Equine Voices. It's simple, quick and convenient and you never have to leave your home. Click Here and find the Amazon
Icon on the top of the homepage, right after the GFAS logo. Or just click on the icons below.
Thank You as always, for your continued love & support, "Gulliver" and Friends