Gulliver Fan Club |

For only $10/month, you can help "Gulliver" spread the word about the plight of the foals bred for the PMU industry by joining the "Gulliver Fan Club"
Learn More...
Gulliver & Friends Legacy Fund |

Consider Equine Voices as your charity of choice and help make a difference in the lives of the horses today and beyond.
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Nicholas aka "Nick": Legacy Fund |
The Nick Legacy Fund has been created in Nick's memory to help us assist other horses like Nick. Our goal is to offer "over and above" medical services to horses who require special medical assistance.
Learn More...
Shop At Amazon And Help The Horses! |
By shopping online at Amazon, 10% of your purchases will go to the horses of Equine Voices. It's simple, quick and convenient and you never have to leave your home. Find the Amazon Icon on the top right corner of the homepage, right after the Benefit Wines logo. Or use the icons above.
Shop from Gulliver's Wishlist on Amazon |
By simply shopping for the horses, you can help Equine Voices by giving the horses what they need most. Please check out
Gulliver's Wishlist to learn more. |
We rescued Noel and five of his friends from an out-of-business PMU (Premarin) farm. He was born in May, 2011 and arrived here on December 21, 2011. This beautiful guy is one of the throw-aways of the Premarin industry; an unfortunate by-product. Noel is looking for that special someone who would like to adopt or sponsor him. At 5-years old, he is at a great age to begin his training for riding. Hint, his friend Magic lives here with him and they are great friends! To adopt or sponsor Noel, please contact Angie in the office at angie@equinevoices.org or
Coming Soon – Gulliver & Friends Boutique
We need volunteers to help with the following:
• Working in the store
• Selling store items and tack
• Processing donations
• Picking up donated items
Please support Equine Voices by donating your items to sell in our boutique. Stay tuned for information on our grand opening which is tentatively set for September, 2016.
To volunteer and/or to donate contact Angie in the office at angie@equinevoices.org or
(520) 398-2814.
Anna Twinney Clinic Coming to Equine Voices
November 10 & 11, 2016 – 10am-4pm (1 hour lunch break)
Thursday, November 10th, 10am-4pm (1 hour lunch break): Approaching Horses & TLC Training / Essential Oils for Horses
Morning - You are speaking to the horses every moment you are around them and they are listening to it all. The question is, "do you know what you saying?"
Anna will begin the 2 day event by showing you how even the subtlest of movement or energy shift can have a huge impact on your communication with the horses. You will discover just how to carry yourself and approach any horse. No more chases in the paddock, struggles to catch your horse, or weird, unexplained behavioral changes. Then she will share her Trust-Based Leadership and Compassionate Communication methodology. This exclusive ROTH groundwork will not only teach your horse the crucial in-hand training that every horse must know, but it will also create, develop, and strengthen your horsemanship skills and the connection and partnership between you and your horse.
Afternoon - Therapeutic Essential Oils can have a major impact on the health, emotions, mindset, and well-being of not only your horse, but all beings. Although not a cure all, Essential Oils can have a huge and sometimes seemingly instantaneous impact, and Anna will introduce you to some of the most popular and effective oils, and the myriad uses for them. She will also show you how to apply them properly and safely in the care of your horse, yourself and all your animal companions.
Friday: November 11th: Equine Health Check / Nutrition for Horses
Morning - On the second day you will learn how to keep your horse happy, healthy, and pain-free. So many behavioral issues people come across with horses are a direct result of undiagnosed and unrecognized pain. You can’t expect optimal performance, or even a friendly disposition, from a horse in constant pain. Anna will take you step-by-step through the process she teaches in the ROTH Certification Foundation Course and the very practice she uses to make sure her horses are in the best physical shape they can be in. She will also reveal the critical warning signs and symptoms to watch for when evaluating your horse's health.
Afternoon - Anna continues the topic of health in the afternoon as she discusses the crucial and sometimes controversial topic of nutrition. She will finish the day by covering both feed and supplementation and show you how to discover exactly what your horse needs for optimal health and well-being and the common mistakes people often make about the health of horses.
The usual price for this info-packed 2 day event would be $400. But we have arranged a special Equine Voices price for you of over 60% off!
If you register before September 15, 2016, the cost for the entire weekend is only $147.00, $199 after September 15, 2016. That is less than $15/hr for crucial, expert training and information that every horse person needs to know.
Space is limited so don't delay. Register now.
For more information and to register, please contact Angie, angie@equinevoices.org or 520-398-2814.
Action Alert! BLM Plans Mass Killing
June 27, 2016
The move within the BLM to rid itself of wild horses and burros is gaining strength. Within the 2017 Interior Appropriations Bill, now out of committee, is a little noticed “Stewart Amendment” that allows the BLM to strip away all the protections of the Wild Horse and Burro Act and give the animals to any "... Federal, State or local government agencies to use as work animals."
In using the wisdom of our elected leaders, Congress stuck some language in the Amendment that makes it sound like the horses and burros would always be safe, but offers absolutely no punishment for those who violate the rules. Remember Tom Davis? Hundreds of wild horses were "adopted" by him but that ended their lives in Mexican slaughterhouses. His punishment? Not even a slap on the hand. Translated – he got away with murder.
Click here to read the entire post.
Help The Horses – Shop At Fry's

Here is an easy way to help our horses by doing something we all have to do at least every week; by shopping for groceries! It’s really easy to sign up then just use your Fry's card or phone number at checkout and a percentage of your grocery purchase will be contributed to us. Please go online to sign up today: www.fryscommunityrewards.com and enter Equine Voices Rescue & Sanctuary as your non-profit. Thank you for your support.

We want to wish the following volunteers a very happy birthday!
Mary Brock, Jaydean Higgins, Jackie Cuyler, Joe Keegan, Alice Turnipseed, Liz Lutz,
Angela Meixell, and Sally Bryant.
Leave a Legacy: Gulliver & Friends Legacy Fund

Consider Equine Voices as your charity of choice and help make a difference in the lives
of the horses today and beyond by designating Equine Voices in your estate planning.
Visit our website for more information and how to give.
"Gulliver's" Fan Club
For just $10.00 a month (.33 cents a day), you can support our Big Boy Gulliver, mascot of Equine Voices. Join
Gulliver's Fan Club and help make a difference in Gulliver's life! You will receive a special sticker, VIP tour, a
personal meeting with Gulliver and updates as to the happenings at the sanctuary. Can you spare just .33 cents
a day or one cup of coffee? To join this special program, Click Here and a short ways down the homepage on the
right is "Gulliver's" Fan Club Sign Up or contact us at info@equinevoices.org, call the main office at 520-398-2814
or go online and sign up today. It's easy, fun and you will make a huge difference in Gulliver's life!!
–Thank You "Gulliver"
Shop At Amazon And Help The Horses!
Shop at Amazon.com
"Gulliver" would like to invite you to shop at our partners programs and help the horses at the same time! By shopping
online at Amazon, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that 10 percent of your purchases will go to the horses of
Equine Voices. It's simple, quick and convenient and you never have to leave your home. Click Here and find the Amazon
Icon on the top of the homepage, right after the GFAS logo. Or just click on the icons below.
Thank You as always, for your continued love & support, "Gulliver" and Friends