Gulliver Fan Club |

For only $10/month, you can help "Gulliver" spread the word about the plight of the foals bred for the PMU industry by joining the "Gulliver Fan Club"
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Gulliver & Friends Legacy Fund |

Consider Equine Voices as your charity of choice and help make a difference in the lives of the horses today and beyond.
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Nicholas aka "Nick": Legacy Fund |
The Nick Legacy Fund has been created in Nick's memory to help us assist other horses like Nick. Our goal is to offer "over and above" medical services to horses who require special medical assistance.
Learn More...
Shop At Amazon And Help The Horses! |
By shopping online at Amazon, 10% of your purchases will go to the horses of Equine Voices. It's simple, quick and convenient and you never have to leave your home. Find the Amazon Icon on the top right corner of the homepage, right after the Benefit Wines logo. Or use the icons above.
Shop from Gulliver's Wishlist on Amazon |
By simply shopping for the horses, you can help Equine Voices by giving the horses what they need most. Please check out
Gulliver's Wishlist to learn more. |
Bella Luna

Bella Luna a former PMU foal arrived in 2004 along with Spanky, Deuce and of course Gulliver. They were all 11 months old at the time. As part of the "Ambassador" group, Bella Luna teaches the public about the plight of these gorgeous horses and the plight of the Premarin babies. Bella and the other four are sanctuary residents and will always be part of the main herd. Bella is looking for that special person to sponsor her. She is gorgeous, friendly and loves kisses. Won't you consider sponsoring this gorgeous horse? If you would like to sponsor her, contact angie@equinevoices.org or 520-398-2814.
USDA Extends Comment Period on Proposal to Amend Horse Protection Regulations
USDA announced on Friday that the comment period on its proposed rule to amend its Horse Protection Act regulations is being extended 30 days, to October 26, 2016. (USDA published the proposed rule on July 26, 2016 with an original deadline of September 26, 2016.) While disappointing, we note that the pro-soring faction of the Tennessee Walking Horse industry and their handful of defenders in Congress had sent letters to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack requesting a 60 day extension, but were only granted half that extra time.
HSUS continues to urge supporters who haven't yet done so to submit comments in support of the proposed rule, and is also asking that they contact their Member of Congress and two U.S. Senators to urge them to voice their support for the proposed rule and help get it finalized quickly during this Administration.
Thank you for taking action on this crucial move to improve horse welfare.
Here is USDA's notice of the comment period extension: Click Here
Fall Fundraiser

To make your reservations online click here

Help Needed!!!
Won't you consider helping us with our new Gulliver & Friends Boutique & Thrift Store?
Please contact Angie at angie@equinevoices.org for more information.
To all of you wonderful volunteers, THANK YOU!!!
Leave a Legacy: Gulliver & Friends Legacy Fund

Consider Equine Voices as your charity of choice and help make a difference in the lives
of the horses today and beyond by designating Equine Voices in your estate planning.
Visit our website for more information and how to give.
"Gulliver's" Fan Club
For just $10.00 a month (.33 cents a day), you can support our Big Boy Gulliver, mascot of Equine Voices. Join
Gulliver's Fan Club and help make a difference in Gulliver's life! You will receive a special sticker, VIP tour, a
personal meeting with Gulliver and updates as to the happenings at the sanctuary. Can you spare just .33 cents
a day or one cup of coffee? To join this special program, Click Here and a short ways down the homepage on the
right is "Gulliver's" Fan Club Sign Up or contact us at info@equinevoices.org, call the main office at 520-398-2814
or go online and sign up today. It's easy, fun and you will make a huge difference in Gulliver's life!!
–Thank You "Gulliver"
Shop At Amazon And Help The Horses!
Shop at Amazon.com
"Gulliver" would like to invite you to shop at our partners programs and help the horses at the same time! By shopping
online at Amazon, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that 10 percent of your purchases will go to the horses of
Equine Voices. It's simple, quick and convenient and you never have to leave your home. Click Here and find the Amazon
Icon on the top of the homepage, right after the GFAS logo. Or just click on the icons below.
Thank You as always, for your continued love & support, "Gulliver" and Friends